Friday 30 October 2020
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‘Brilliant work and mind’ praises ‘Big B’- ‘Sushant Singh’s 150 dreams super motivating”,says model-actress Shailja Sharma

By Chaitanya Padukone  — In his befitting tribute, superstar Amitabh Bachchan writes of his admiration for ‘late’ Sushant Singh Rajput’s work and personality. “His work was brilliant, his mind even more,” Big B writes, “his speak was measured, as was his screen presence.” Although there has been a tsunami of controversial conjectures and insinuations following the shocking yet suicidal death shrouded in mystery, of popular TV star-turned-Bollywood star-hero Sushant Singh Rajput, (SSR) the fact remains that the legion of his loyal fan-following is emotionally shattered . Most of his female fans are still reacting with shocked disbelief . Several upcoming Bollywood and TV star-aspirants and models seem to be slightly disillusioned with the scary occupational hazards of the showbiz industry. At the same time, they feel charismatic Sushant was and is an inspirational icon. Winsome model and trained Bollywood actress Shailja Sharma, who like SSR, is a qualified ( network) engineer and hails from a beautiful small-town ( Solan near Shimla), is frank enough to admit that as a teenager, she was a die-hard fan of Sushant ever since he played the “dream-lover-boy” Maanav screen-character in ‘Pavitra Rishta’ TV show on Zee . Shares a grieving Shailja,”I don’t think any word or phrase can justify his grace, intelligence, brilliancy, his belief, his ideas. Moreover I feel it’s not only a huge loss for Bollywood but to the whole nation as I believe he had a mind of ‘scientist’. How can any person have such good intellectual and be so knowledgeable . Always wanted to know more about him, whenever I used to go through his posts and motivational speeches,If you go through his ‘dreams- list’ one can figure out how deep his thoughts were. In this self-centred busy world, he motivated people to makes notes of their beliefs, dreams and interests. The brilliant actor that he is, I watched his movie M S Dhoni-biopic, four times in theatres. Scenes from that movie inspired me to follow my passion and not give up. As is known, ‘SSR’ himself penned his ‘150 dreams’ and showing what exactly it is, as few were quantum-physics-related, so that people get to know what it is. The ‘Kedarnath’ hero wanted people to bring about a change, to develop themselves.Was so happy to see him and connect with him as a successful star-actor. Hailing from a small town, brilliant student Sushant academically initiated himself into engineering. But pursuing his acting passion, he left everything and came to Mumbai to live his dreams. With his amazing success as a versatile star-actor, he made me believe, no matter what comes, we can achieve what we want,” insists multiple title-holder ‘beauty-queen’ Shailja Sharma. Following his untimely drastic deadly decision, Shailja too wonders aloud, like all his baffled, jolted flock of fans. “ But now when we see his pictures all over the social media I question “why?”.Being so brave, cheerful, happy, intelligent why did he have to end his life. And then, he had numerous other worthy reasons to live and conquer. Reconciling to reality, I close my eyes every night thinking, that possibly he is now in a better, happier place now. Maybe this world was unworthy for a genius person like him. Our otherwise over 100 years old glorious film-industry should attach impartial priority to talent and merit in all auditions and selections., Place of birth and caste shouldn’t matter, but mainly dedication should count. Let’s all do away with this differentiating lines of ‘outsider and insider’ and instead be all-inclusive.. Like he(SSR) supposedly said in his last tweet, ‘ I am ending all this for good’! One hopes, he also gets to see good developments in the showbiz industry soon ! May peace be with all,” sighs an optimistic Shailja..

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